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Galeria Joan Gaspar

Historical poster. Alexander Calder


Historical poster. Alexander Calder. "Sala Gaspar" (Barcelona, Setembre 1973). 1973. 15 €

We present you the historical poster of this month, which Alexander Calder did for his exhibition in Sala Gaspar in 1973.  

Joan Gaspar Sr. met Calder at Joan Miró's house, who has been a tie between the American artist and the gallery. Joan Gaspar remembered Calder: "… he was a funny man, full of humanity, who moved from the United States to Europe, to France, where he was able to work better and also because he was in love with the French wine <…> The sculpture was what was moving him. Between his first works there is a circus done with wire, mobile, which we exhibited at gallery and now it is in the Whitney Museum of New York, a delight. Calder was doing circus representations for friends. He was moving figures and was doing screams of every animal. A magnificent video was done with music but always Calder was who was doing explanations and movements of actors and animals”.

RIBAS A., Elvira Farreras i Joan Gaspar. Memòries. Art i Vida a Barcelona (1911-1996). 1997.