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Galeria Joan Gaspar

Clavé y Picasso: Alrededor de El Greco.


Galeria Joan Gaspar Madrid

On the occasion of the commemoration of the fourth centenary of El Greco’s death,

Galeria Joan Gaspar in Madrid presents

the exhibition "Picasso and Clavé: About El Greco",

from April 3rd.

However, the present exhibition doesn’t attempt to be as a circumstantial opportunity in the anniversary of the death of Cretan painter. The works, which have been selected here, were developed beyond the tribute that they contain in a more or less explicitly way. Far from imitations those pieces, besides being full of references and admiration, also establish a dialogue between the artistic conception of Clavé, Picasso and Domenikos Theotocopoulos, who was misunderstood and forgotten by many years, until his work was claimed by the avant-garde in the 20th century and finally he got the place that deserves as a unique artist in the Spanish Art History.


CLAVÉ Antoni PICASSO Pablo Ruiz